  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

Require security clearance for anyone getting intelligence info!

To: Sen. Warnock, Sen. Ossoff, Rep. Williams

From: A constituent in Decatur, GA

June 5

Please make basic security clearance a prerequisite for serving on committees that deal with sensitive information. Today's news of Scott Perry & Ronny Jackson being appointed to the Intelligence Committee is alarming. (If they don't work directly for Putin, they might as well. ) On that note, can you also please make basic security clearance a prerequisite for serving as President? Can't believe the J6 Committee didn't get that done. Same for any position in the White House that gets the intelligence briefings. Even if we can't preclude Trump without a constitutional amendment, at least his slimy family and his treason collaborators could be excluded. It's very important to keep intelligence limited to those to whom we can safely entrust it. Thank you from your ever-voting constituent. I am proud to be represented by you.

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