  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Casey, Sen. Fetterman, Rep. Deluzio

From: A constituent in Pittsburgh, PA

August 18

Senator Fetterman, I am extremely upset over your unwavering support for Israel. You need to break the bonds with Israel. It is so mind-numbing to see you wave an Israeli flag in OUR US Veterans face. How disrespectful is that? They fought for this country, and you disrespected her with no problem. You need to retire. I cannot believe I voted for you and fought for you to stay in the office after your stroke. I should not have done that. This is a mistake I will never make again. You will not be voted back in the office. We will NEVER forget what you have done and all the support you have shown for Israel. You are a Zionist just like your boss. It is very shameful.

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