  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Duckworth, Sen. Durbin, Rep. García

From: A verified voter in La Grange, IL

May 16

Please stop persisting in this amoral and unnecessary support of Israel! All the world can see that this has gone far far far beyond self defense. It’s genocide. It’s colonialism. It’s murder. And yet Congress persists, with funds and weapons, and support, and meaningless verbal reprimands (which fool no one). The US supplies the war weapons which murder so many innocent civilians. Israel pens them in like animals, keeping food and aid out. Have we no soul? I am a 49 year old professional democrat who is well aware that voting third party could result in another MAGA term, the loss of my fundamental rights, and frankly the end of democracy. But what does it matter when Congress is proving right now that Democrats are fascists, too?

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