  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

Abuses of tax exemption by the Church of Scientology.

To: Sen. Duckworth, Sen. Durbin, Rep. Budzinski

From: A constituent in Champaign, IL

May 26

I urgently call upon the IRS and the US Congress to investigate and address the documented abuses of tax exemption by the Church of Scientology. Exploiting their tax-exempt status and the protections granted under the label of religion by the IRS, the Church has engaged in egregious activities, including: 1. Sea Org Indentured Servitude: Utilizing tax-exempt status to turn Sea Org members into indentured servants, exploiting the protections granted by the IRS. 2. Hiring Private Investigators: Using tax-exempt funds to hire private investigators for stalking, harassing, and intimidating former members, critics, journalists, and filmmakers. 3. Illegal Acquisition of Phone Records: Funding the illegal acquisition of phone records to track the communications of targeted individuals. 4. Unlawful Obtaining of Travel Information: Using tax-exempt money for obtaining flight and travel information to facilitate stalking and harassment. 5. Publicizing Private Confessional Data: Funding the publicization of private confessional data to smear and humiliate former Scientologists who speak out against abuse. 6. False, Defamatory Propaganda: Channeling tax-exempt dollars into financing false, defamatory propaganda through hate websites and publications. 7. Google Ad Campaigns: Financing Google ad campaigns to promote malicious smear campaigns against critics, journalists, and filmmakers. 8. Legal Defense Spending: Spending millions of tax-exempt dollars on lawyers to defend against legal consequences arising from the listed actions. Additionally, I urge the IRS to investigate why the Church of Scientology fails to make 990 information widely available to the public, in direct contradiction to IRS Code. I implore the IRS and the US Congress to swiftly investigate and take decisive action to ensure accountability, putting an end to the misuse of tax-exempt status by the Church of Scientology.

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