  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. DeGette, Pres. Biden, Sen. Bennet, Sen. Hickenlooper

From: A constituent in Denver, CO

July 5

REMOVE the Sedition Six In an official act to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution, REMOVE the Sedition Six. Seat Merrick Garland. Nominate Luttig and Tribe, and ask Congress for three more. Steal Trump’s line - You’re fired. Lucky we don’t try you for treason. Get your box and get out of here. Should we call Seal Team 6? They just stabbed Lady Liberty, bright red blood squirting from her neck. She’ll be gone in about 30 seconds. THROW HER ON THE GROUND and drop a knee in her collarbone. Now. We have less than five months to restore law and order, or the election will be moot. Trump will take power regardless of the vote. Remove the Sedition Six and restore Democracy.

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