- United States
- Fla.
- Letter
We need the ERA Now. I am a constituent writing to you today to ask you to support and pass legislation following American Bar Association’s August 2024 recommendations to cerify and publish the Equal Roghts Amendment as the 28th amendment to the Constitution. This has been a decades-long fight, we can no longer wait. I am part of a youth movement called #ERANow to finally make the Equal Rights Amendment a reality, in our generation - I have been advocating for this since 1982.
Women continue to face gender discrimination and exploitation - Nick Fuentes assertions of "your body, my choice" is only the latest. Women in your constituency are not immune from these attacks; women in your own families are not immune from these attacks. These pattern of gendered threats, removal of rights to make our own healthcare choices, and oppression has been the most harmful, aspiration-killing, career-ending, and deadly for women and we are DONE. We are calling on you, OUR REPRESENTATIVES, to shepherd the publication of the Equal Rights Amendment in your final days as the 118th Congress. We are calling you to be brave and to PROTECT WOMEN as you said you would. We call on you to certify it as the 28th Amendment to the US Constitution. Answer the call of the ERA Coalition (http://www.eracoalition.org/)