I’m calling on you to back Bernie Sanders in fighting against two provisions in the Competitiveness Bill.
The government should not be giving money to companies who already make record profits. $53 billion to microchip companies is absurd. That money should be going towards Covid relief, education, free child lunches, or family tax credits—all the things the government frequently says we don’t have money for.
Similarly, Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin company does not need $10 billion from tax payers. He is one of the richest people in the world, if he wants more money to run his company he should pay for it.
Stop corporate welfare! When individuals want government handouts they’re attacked and called lazy and told to work harder. When companies ask for handouts it’s no big deal and often rewarded.
Treat everyone equally. If socialism is good enough for these companies then it should be good enough for the American people.
I urge you to back Bernie Sanders and support eliminating the corporate welfare in the Competitiveness Bill.