Upgrade to Premium
- AI writer
- Fax and mail letters
- Priority access & support
- 100% Bonus coins per dollar
- Limited-edition pin
- Daily newspaper front pages
- Custom keyword
- And much more
So we know what account to upgrade or deposit coins to, please connect to your Resistbot account.
Don’t care about perks? Donate here instead.
Free vs. Premium
- $0
- Includes:
- Instant digital delivery for 100 unique letters
- Up to ten AI-written letters
- Your data is not sold to any candidate or list
- Full control of text notifications
- Postage, faxes, additional e-deliveries, & campaign promotions can be paid for with coins
- Coins earned by opting into promoted alerts & when someone promotes your campaigns
- Email support
- $7/month
- Or pay yearly and get 2 months free 🎉
- Everything in free, plus:
- No letter limit
- No coin charge for e-delivery
- AI writing, editing & summaries
- Fax or postal mail your letters
- Coins awarded every month (or year) your membership renews
- Earn double coins per dollar
- Limited-edition Rosie pin for yearly members
- Daily newspaper front pages
- Custom keyword
- Personal web page
- Voter registration monitoring
- Write to state & federal lawmakers simultaneously
- Weekly text for bills coming to the Congress floor
- Text blasts to your followers when your campaigns launch
- Priority access, in-bot support, & promotion approval
Don’t want to give monthly? Buy coins instead!