

  1. United States
  2. Colorado
  3. Sen. John Hickenlooper

Sen. John Hickenlooper

% Approval
Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Letting Murderers Investigate Themselves is Criminal. Investigate Israel Now!

In the wake of the American citizen recently murdered by an Israeli soldier, I am joining Ayşenur Eygi’s family in calling on the Biden administration to mandate an independent investigation into her unlawful killing in order to ensure full accountability. In the occupied West Bank, mourners held

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Israel Bombing “Safe Zones” & Delaying Polio Vaccines. ARMS EMBARGO NOW

It’s long past time for an arms embargo on Israel. This is not merely circumstantial, it is systemic. These acts are knowingly being carried out on Palestinian civilians with our tax dollars, and it needs to end now. On September 10, 2024, in the Gaza Strip, at least 40 Palestinians were killed an

Map PinLongmont, CO

Federal Exotic Animal Laws

I, and much of the nation, am currently enjoying (if that is the right word) the show Chimp Love on HBO, which details the wild abuses of a group of people who owned chimpanzees in captivity. The show ends on the note that there are still not laws to outlaw private ownership of chimpanzees in the US

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Israel has Decimated ALL of Gaza’s Infrastructure. Arms Embargo Now.

I’m writing to you to keep you and your staff informed about the reality on the ground in illegally occupied Gaza, Palestine. The US must immediately enact an arms embargo on Israel to adhere to domestic and international laws preventing transfer of munitions to states committing war crimes. Arwa

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

HR 6090 is antisemitic. Vote NO!

I am writing to express my strong opposition to H.R. 6090, a bill that, if passed, would dangerously conflate criticism of Israel with antisemitism, infringing upon free speech and diminishing the integrity of legitimate discussions on human rights. It is essential to clarify that anti-Zionism and

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Another American Activist Murdered by Israeli Forces. ARMS EMBARGO NOW

I write to inform you of the killing of 26-year-old American-Turkish activist, Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, by Israeli forces. Aysenur was shot in the head during an anti-settlement protest in the West Bank town of Beita, where she had arrived only three days earlier to volunteer with the International Solida

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

I’m writing to urge the senator to support and vote yes on H.R. 2766, the Uyghur Policy Act of 2023. The former and current US administrations, including Secretary Blinken himself, acknowledged what was happening to the Uyghurs as genocide. This bill would require the State Department to implement

Verified VoterCentennial, CO

Pass assault weapons ban - protect communities

Research reveals that an assault weapons ban could have prevented 30 mass shootings and nearly 1,500 casualties had it been in effect from 2005 to 2019. Our neighborhoods and children should not live in fear of the next massacre. Support banning assault weapons designed for maximum lethality by adva

Map PinDenver, CO

on. on to prevent these senseless tragedies from happening. We cannot wait for another mass shooting. Please do the right thing and pass gun safety legislati As your constituent, I'm urging you to prioritize gun safety legislation. The mass shooting that happened in Georgia in which 2 children and t

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

It’s Time To Reject AIPAC. Will You Take The Pledge?

I’m reaching out to to all of my elected officials to demand that they reject AIPAC’s influence in all forms. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee advocates for a US foreign policy that supports the unconditional flow of US military funding and weapons to the Israeli government. These po

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

“Oct 7th was preventable.” Do you think Israel really wants peace?

Our voices as your constituents don’t seem to be relevant to you. Maybe this Israeli man whose mother was killed on October 7th is importing enough to listen to? ( Yonatan Zeigen is an Israeli peace activist, trained mediator and soci

Map PinDenver, CO


Hi, I'm a constituent writing from Denver. My name is Sandy. I’m writing because the Trump campaign broke federal law by filming and then posting campaign video in Arlington National Cemetery. Trump needs to be charged for it. If he is not, then we’re creating an incentive for others to break laws

Verified VoterGlenwood Springs, CO

Eliminate sum-minimum wages

Eliminating the subminimum wage for tipped workers and establishing one fair wage is crucial for ensuring livable earnings and basic protections. The current system allows employers to pay tipped staff a mere $2.13 an hour federally, leaving them vulnerable to wage theft and sexual harassment from c

Map PinFort Collins, CO

And we must repeat the following words: "Democrats plan to win the coming election, while Republicans plan to cheat in the coming election." Stop sayi ng election interference, and instead call it what it is: attempted election cheating. Thank you for getting this point across to the American peop

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Demand the Biden/Harris Administration Report on Israel’s War Crimes

I’m reporting to make sure that you are arrested that Israel launched its biggest operation in the occupied West Bank in close to two decades, with hundreds of troops, backed by armored vehicles, bulldozers, fighter jets and drones, launching simultaneous raids on the northern cities of Jenin and Tu

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Oppose H.R. 8771. Re-Fund UNRWA Now!

I’m writing to urge my senators to oppose H.R. 8771, the Fiscal Year 2025 State, Foreign Operations Appropriations bill, which would prohibit US financial support to UNRWA through September 30, 2025. UNRWA has been targeted with a campaign of misinformation designed to foster distrust and tarnish

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Massive Israeli Invasion of West Bank. Arms Embargo Now!

( At least nine Palestinians have been killed and 11 injured as the Israeli military launches its biggest operation in the occupied West Bank in close to two decades, with hundreds of troops, backed by armored vehicles, bulldo

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Support Press Freedom. Oppose Repression of Journalists Covering Palestine.

I am writing today to urge my elected officials to respect freedom of the press, and to ask you to call on the Harris administration to do the same. The recent arrest ( of Richard Medhurst at Heathrow Airport in London under the Terrorism Act high

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Report: Israel Torturing Palestinian Healthcare Workers

I’m writing to provide an excerpt from a recent report from Human Rights Watch with the express intention to convince my elected officials to strongly advocate for an arms embargo on Israel: ( Israeli forces have ar

Verified VoterBoulder, CO

FEC reform!

It's long since time for FEC reform. It's clear that both parties are not being transparent about where they spend their money. According to one estimate, 69% of the Trump funds are going to one LLC. And the law says they must indicate what the endpoint of the payment is. The FEC just isn't doin

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Support an Arms Embargo on Israel Now

Israel’s assault on Palestinian civilians in Gaza is an unacceptable use of military aggression and must be stopped immediately. I strongly support an arms embargo on Israel to force them to cease their onslaught, which directly violates international law. We have seen Israel avoid multiple cease

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Read American Dr.’s Harrowing Testimony from Gaza

This year’s DNC featured the first-ever panel on Palestinian human rights at any DNC. Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan, an American pediatric intensive care surgeon who has been to Gaza several times over the past 10 months with the aid group Doctors Without Borders and other groups. She spoke about some of wha

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Call for Joint Resolution of Disapproval on $20bn Arms Sale to Israel

In light of Tuesday’s approval by Secretary Blinken of $20 billion of offensive weapons to Israel amidst what the International Court of Justice has deemed a plausible case genocide, I are calling upon the Senator to initiate a joint resolution of disapproval (JRD) for this most recent arms sale.

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Pressure Israel to End Illegal Settlement Expansion Now

I am writing to demand your immediate action regarding Israel’s brazen and illegal expansion of settlements in the occupied West Bank. Recently, Israel has announced the largest land seizure in over 30 years, accompanied by an alarming surge in settler and IDF violence against Palestinians. Over the

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Israel Has Killed 2,100 Babies. ARMS EMBARGO NOW.

I am writing to you with an unwavering resolve, driven by the horrifying report of 2,100 babies under two treats old killed by Israel in just 10 months. Since October 7, nearly 17,000 Palestinian children have been slaughtered by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip. These staggering numbers are not mer

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Jewish Currents: “The Scenes in Rafah Are Straight From a Nightmare”

( The recent article from Jewish Currents, “The Scenes in Rafah Are Straight From a Nightmare,” has laid bare the grotesque reality unfolding in Rafah—a reality that demands your immediate attention and action. What is hap

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Report: No Existence Of Militarily Presences At Tab’een School Massacre In Gaza

(’een-School-massacre-in-Gaza) I am writing to urgently bring to your attention the report of an investigation conducted by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Moni

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