Reconsider H.R. 6090: Protect Free Speech and Combat Antisemitism
  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Reconsider H.R. 6090: Protect Free Speech and Combat Antisemitism

To: Sen. Schumer, Pres. Biden, Rep. Tenney, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A verified voter in Seneca Falls, NY

April 30

While H.R. 6090, the "Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023," is commendable in its intent to counter antisemitism, it may unintentionally infringe upon the freedom of speech. The adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's definition of antisemitism could potentially restrict critical discourse. It is essential to ensure that efforts to combat discrimination, including antisemitism and anti-Muslim hate, do not inadvertently suppress constitutionally protected expressions. Therefore, reconsider the passage of this bill in its current form and explore alternatives that uphold the fights against antisemitism and anti-Muslim hate, while preserving free speech.

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