  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Biden Must Step Aside, We Need a New Nominee to Defeat Trump

To: Rep. Jeffries, Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Brooklyn, NY

July 10

Respectfully, I implore you to please publicly call for President Biden to drop out of the race and allow the Democratic Party to find a new candidate for this presidential election. It pains me to make this request, because I have been impressed by the President’s tenure in office and his accomplishments over the past 4 years. I proudly voted for President Biden in 2020 and celebrated his historic defeat of Donald Trump. But it is now clear that the President cannot repeat that win. Sadly, most evidence has long shown that the American people did not want the President to run again. Concern over his age, acuity, and fitness to do one of the hardest jobs in the world have been expressed over and over and each time ignored. To continue to argue with the people is clear hubris. It's time to make good on the promise to act as a bridge to the next generation of Democratic leaders. The President’s letter to Congress on 8 July was an insult to the people and to Democratic leadership. The President’s interview with ABC, intended to assuage fears, was insulting. Doing his best is not enough at this point. The opinion of Americans is clear in the ample polling that the Biden Campaign continues to deny, misquote, or ignore. The White House has consistently gaslit the public about our President’s fitness, but it is out in the open after the debate. It's not just the pundits and the elites calling for a graceful passing of the torch. The people have been asking for this all along. The so-called primary was a joke and hardly a real competition, and it is insulting to be told that Joe Biden must remain the candidate because he won this non-competitive low turnout race that didn't feature debates or real campaigning. The Party respectfully deferred to the President as the incumbent, while the people were misled about his capacity. We should have listened to Dean Phillips. The American people are not stupid. We have seen that the President, unfortunately, does not have 4 more strong years of service to give. If this election is as important as EVERYONE says, then we cannot forfeit it over one man's feelings. The President’s legacy is being destroyed. We need someone who can inject energy into this race. We need someone who can fight back against Donald Trump's lies and prosecute the case against him. The President has not shown the ability to do so. Again, from a place of deep respect, I wish to celebrate all that this administration has accomplished, to honor President Biden’s achievements, to thank him for his service. But the stakes are just too high. Ego and pride must be put aside. It is time to do what you can to help us win in November and beat Donald Trump again. Right now, that means taking the higher road, acknowledging the President’s shortcomings, pressing him to release his delegates, and putting your support behind a successor who can take up the fight and WIN. Please hear your constituents and do the right thing. We are counting on you.

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