  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Concern about legal implications of replacing President Biden

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Espaillat, Sen. Schumer

From: A constituent in New York, NY

July 20

I'm concerned about the pressure on Biden to step down and the legal implications of doing so. I'm concerned about the legal implications of replacing him at an open Democratic convention that happens AFTER the deadline in Ohio to get a candidate on the ballot and only 2 days before Michigan's deadline. The GOP is already preparing legal challenges, as announced by the Speaker, in swing states if there is a name change on the ballot. These will undoubtedly go to SCOTUS, and this SCOTUS cannot be trusted. I do NOT want Clarence Thomas deciding the election! We are projecting a dysfunction as a party that will hand Trump more votes and hurt down ballot races. I absolutely understand why this is happening: we cannot let Trump win, period. But I fear we are throwing the election by so publicly trying to force Biden out. We have out performed polling in recent years by quite a lot. Biden did in 2020 and we did in both the previous midterm as well as the most recent midterm. Polling is difficult these days and not super reliable and misses entire groups of people, so it's hard to get an accurate, truly representative sample. That said, I understand the concerns about Biden, but it also looks like Kamala underperforms him in important swing states (if the polls are to be believed), and there's no guarantee the groups who endorsed Biden will transfer endorsement to a new candidate. If it's not Kamala, then GOTV workers on the ground report we will ABSOLUTELY lose enough of the black vote to impact our chances of winning the election. Most of all, though, I am furious that, in such an important election, one that could well determine whether or not we lose our democracy, Dems are litigating this in the damn media, which is, as in 2016, giving Trump only coverage that helps him, and whipping up furor over our dysfunction. This behavior ALONE could lose us this election and doom us. What the HECK are you guys doing?! Please, we must be the sane, organized party and we cannot leave this in limbo until the convention, allowing this SCOTUS to decide this election for us. Thank you for your time and for hearing me out! I pray you do the right thing for our country.

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