  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

Impeach corrupt Supreme Court justices to uphold judicial ethics.

To: Sen. Markey, Pres. Biden, Sen. Warren, Rep. McGovern

From: A constituent in Leominster, MA

July 12

The actions of Justices Thomas and Alito have threatened the integrity and impartiality of the Supreme Court through their egregious ethical breaches and failure to recuse themselves from cases despite clear personal and financial conflicts of interest. Their yearslong pattern of accepting lavish gifts from right-wing billionaires while ruling on related cases, potentially committing tax fraud by not reporting those gifts, represents an unconscionable abuse of power. We can and must impeach these corrupt justices to uphold judicial ethics, restore faith in the rule of law, and protect our democracy from further erosion by the highest court in the land.

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