- United States
- Ga.
- Letter
As a constituent, I urge you to oppose H.R.734 - Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023. Transgender bans are largely based on misinformation and fearmongering. If enacted, this will put lives in danger as transgender people become the target of even more discrimination, harassment, and violence. Transgender people only make up about 2% of the U.S. population, so there can't possibly be an exorbitant number of athletes in this situation. Not only are you "solving" a problem that doesn't exist, you're opening the door for transgender people to be cut out of activities such as darts and chess, which are considered collegiate sports, but allow no advantage for males over females. (Repeated studies show that a transgender woman taking hormones is actually at a disadvantage against other athletes, even in physical sports, but making this claim about chess is even more ridiculous.) Leading Republicans have stated implicitly that they are using this bill as a stepping stone to further take away the rights of transgender people to simply exist in public. Trans people have always been around, and you don't know about them because they don't cause any problems. This harassment and targeting of transgender people is disgusting and a huge waste of Congress's time and taxpayer's money.