- United States
- N.Y.
- Letter
US facilitation of Israel’s genocidal campaign against Palestinians is more than repugnant: it is illegal. See 10 USC 362, 22 USC 2378-1, and 22 USC 2378d. Begin an arms embargo, now!
I refuse to be complicit. I demand that you take action:
1. Halt the provision of ALL aid and arms to Israel immediately in order to obey US law under 10 USC 362, 22 USC 2378-1, and 22 USC 2378d.
2. Reject all rhetoric and legislation that conflates anti-zionism with anti-semitism.
3. Use the full strength of US resources to demand that Israel comply with the ICJ-ordered provisional measures and the UN Security Council ceasefire resolution, and work to achieve a lasting ceasefire.
4. Force Israel to let sufficient humanitarian aid into Gaza via existing land routes; support the efforts of the Freedom Flotilla in their emergency mission to deliver aid to Gaza; fund UNRWA.
5. Sanction Israel for its many illegal actions against Palestine, including the West Bank.
6. HANDS OFF RAFAH! De-escalate! No more bombs on Gaza, Yemen, Iran, or anywhere else in the Middle East! No more forever wars!