Reform H.R. 5917 to Address Human Shields Equitably
  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Reform H.R. 5917 to Address Human Shields Equitably

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Peters, Sen. Stabenow, Rep. Tlaib

From: A verified voter in Dearborn, MI

April 17

The proposed H.R. 5917, while aiming to counter the use of human shields in conflict zones, appears to disproportionately target specific groups, notably the Palestine Islamic Jihad. While the use of human shields is a grave concern, it is crucial that legislation addresses this issue universally, without bias towards any group. Therefore, it is suggested that the bill be revised to encompass all entities, irrespective of their affiliations, who engage in such practices. This would ensure a more equitable approach to addressing this issue, promoting fairness and justice in conflict resolution.

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