  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Al-Mawasi camp massacre, stop arming Israel

To: Rep. Courtney, Pres. Biden, Sen. Murphy, Sen. Blumenthal

From: A verified voter in East Hampton, CT

July 14

This horrific attack on the al-Mawasi camp, a designated "safe zone" for displaced Palestinians in Gaza, is an inexcusable violation of international law and basic human rights. At least 90 civilians have been killed, including women and children, with 300 more wounded in this brutal massacre. This senseless violence and disregard for Palestinian life must end immediately. A ceasefire needs to be reached to prevent further bloodshed, and military aid to Israel enabling these atrocities should be cut off. Funding should instead be restored to UNRWA, the UN agency supporting Palestinian refugees who have borne the brunt of this conflict. Additionally, giving a platform to Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has a disturbing history of deception including lying about WMDs in Iraq, would be highly inappropriate after this horrific attack he has overseen. The international community must take tangible steps to hold Israel accountable and protect the human rights of the Palestinian people. Sources: iraq

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