  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

Do The Right Thing

To: Rep. Rutherford, Pres. Biden, Sen. Scott, Sen. Rubio

From: A verified voter in Ponte Vedra, FL

June 1

I never voted for Senators Rubio or Scott or Representative Rutherford. Yet I feel, since I live in Florida, I again must apologize for their actions. To observe what they're doing against our democracy is horrifying. To say the court proceedings in NY were like a communist country, is absurd. Do you know what 'star chambers' are in communist countries? Was Navalny the victim of a pro-democracy government. Has Putin been elected through honest democratic elections? Was Russia's constitution modified through democratic means? Do you not think it's obvious that you are being dishonest? That you are motivated by your own self-interests? Get out of government! You don't deserve the trust of the people!

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