Ceasefire Needed Now: Gaza Food Aid Obstruction Must Stop
  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Ceasefire Needed Now: Gaza Food Aid Obstruction Must Stop

To: Rep. Courtney, Pres. Biden, Sen. Blumenthal, Sen. Murphy

From: A constituent in East Hampton, CT

April 10

The United Nations has reported a concerning increase in the obstruction of food aid to the Gaza Strip by Israeli authorities. In March alone, half of the food convoys intended for the northern region, where 70% of the population faces famine, were denied. The World Food Program estimates a daily need of 300 trucks to meet basic hunger needs, yet only nine convoys have entered northern Gaza this year. The entire population of 2.2 million people is at risk of catastrophic hunger. It is crucial to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire, halt funding and arming of Israel, and reinstate funding for UNRWA to address this humanitarian crisis. Source: en.mehrnews.com/amp/213718/

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