  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

BIDEN is now so delusional he can’t see reality.

To: Sen. Stabenow, Sen. Peters, Pres. Biden, Rep. Slotkin

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 8

Biden is now spitting in all of our faces. He doesn’t care about reality or the fact that he will lose to Trump taking down the house and senate and literally destroying democracy, the rule of law, and the constitution along with him. His mental decline is now at a horrible dangerous place where he is so out of touch with reality he can’t see the writing on the wall. It’s your job to force him into reality, I demand that you stand up and speak out about Joe Biden stepping down and creating a mini primary expedited debates to give the American people a ticket we can be proud of. Enough is enough, it’s time for the old delusional coward to drop out TODAY. How pathetic that the DNC and Biden Campaign are only looking out for their own egos and themselves instead of the country. BIDEN needs to go NOW!

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