Reconsider Legislation Targeting TikTok: Protect Free Speech Rights
  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

Reconsider Legislation Targeting TikTok: Protect Free Speech Rights

To: Sen. Warren, Rep. Lynch, Pres. Biden, Sen. Markey

From: A constituent in Roslindale, MA

April 20

The recent legislation passed by the House of Representatives, targeting TikTok, raises serious concerns about freedom of speech and human rights. The proposed ban, which would take effect if ByteDance Ltd. does not divest its stake within a year, is unprecedented in its direct targeting of a specific tech company. This approach deviates from the historical norm of tech regulation. It's crucial to consider the potential negative economic consequences and the infringement on free speech rights. TikTok has consistently denied allegations of sharing U.S. user data with Chinese authorities and has successfully challenged legal threats before. Therefore, it's requested to reconsider this legislation, taking into account the potential violation of First Amendment rights and the broader implications for tech regulation.

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