Request for AIPAC to Register as Foreign Agent of Israel
  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Request for AIPAC to Register as Foreign Agent of Israel

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Murphy, Sen. Blumenthal, Rep. Courtney

From: A constituent in East Hampton, CT

April 15

There is a growing concern regarding the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and its influence on U.S. politics. Critics, including prominent politicians, argue that AIPAC's activities do not align with the interests of most American Jews and that it fails to support basic Palestinian rights. Furthermore, AIPAC's role in securing military aid for Israel has been questioned. This, coupled with the increasing dissent among young Jewish activists, suggests a need for transparency. Therefore, it is requested that AIPAC be registered as a foreign agent of the Israeli government. This action would ensure accountability and align with the democratic values of our nation. For more information, please refer to the following article:

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