  1. United States
  2. Ala.
  3. Letter

Prioritize humanitarian ceasefire and aid access in Gaza crisis

To: Sen. Tuberville, Sen. Britt, Pres. Biden, Rep. Palmer

From: A constituent in Birmingham, AL

June 10

The recent events in Gaza are deeply concerning, with the loss of civilian lives and damage to humanitarian infrastructure. An immediate ceasefire is crucial to prevent further suffering and enable the delivery of desperately needed aid to the people of Gaza. The killing of civilians is unacceptable under international law, and any violations must be thoroughly investigated as potential war crimes. At the same time, it is imperative that humanitarian corridors are established and respected by all parties to allow the unimpeded flow of food, medicine, and other essential supplies to Gaza. The safety and security of aid workers must also be guaranteed. Only through peaceful dialogue and adherence to human rights norms can this crisis be resolved and the dignity of all people upheld.

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