  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Joe Biden will drag the democrats to a historic loss, the numbers are clear.

To: Sen. Stabenow, Pres. Biden, Sen. Peters, Rep. Slotkin

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 17

You know what’s pathetic? The people staying silent on the obvious, that math makes it almost impossible for Joe Biden to win. When democracy, the constitution, and the rule of law are on the line, it’s time for a real change that starts with debates and a primary process at the convention. The longer we continue to pretend that Joe can win, the longer and harder it is to do what’s necessary, and that’s to choose a new ticket with younger more articulate leadership that can propel us into a new era with a new generation that can inspire and motivate. Joe Biden can’t do that because his mental and physical decline make it impossible for him to stay on message, let alone communicate to the American people just how bad Trump and his Republican party of fascist really are. If you stay silent, you will also lose my confidence and lose my vote. I will not volunteer, I will not make phone calls, I will not donate to your campaigns. More so, I will actively donate to your opponents and make it my mission that the silent cowards will never hold office again. You want this country to slip into fascism? Standing by Joe is how you accomplish that disaster. Wake up and take your head out of the sand before it’s too late for you, for me, for this country.

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