  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Schmitt, Pres. Biden, Rep. Bush, Sen. Hawley

From: A verified voter in Saint Louis, MO

October 3

I remain vehemently, unwaveringly opposed to any and all aid to the genocidal Israeli apartheid state and the horrific campaign of atrocities led by war criminal Netanyahu and his violent regime. I continue to demand a comprehensive arms embargo of the Israeli state and an immediate and permanent ceasefire in occupied Palestine. I strongly support the BDS movement in solidarity with Palestinians and continue to actively boycott all targets. The US cannot support a ceasefire while arming and funding the perpetrators of genocide, and support for Israel is morally indefensible. Use of full diplomatic pressure to further ceasefire negotiations necessitates a full arms embargo of Israel. The majority of US citizens support limiting weapons transfers to the genocidal regime. Any US politician who does not support a military embargo is acting undemocratically, aiding and abetting the rise of fascism in our country, and supporting a foreign government interfering in our elections through AIPAC. Arms embargo now.

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