  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Stop IDF invasion of European Gaza Hospital

To: Sen. Fetterman, Sen. Casey, Rep. Kelly

From: A constituent in Sharon, PA

July 1

Israel has targeted European Gaza Hospital and is ordering its evacuation right now, today. European Gaza Hospital is the last large hospital left in Gaza. You need to put pressure on Israel to stop this invasion. There is no Hamas hiding in the hospital, other invasions of Gaza hospital have proved that, there are no tunnels or ties just lies from the IDF to terrorize civilians, ruin infrastructure and make Gaza unlivable to force it citizens to leave, i.e. ethnic cleansing. Captured medical professionals are subjected to daily torture, being raped by Israeli K9s or electrified metal rods placed in their anus, sometimes raped in front of a group of other prisoners. Al Shifa Hospital Director, Mohammad Abu Salmiya was released after being tortured for 7 months, just released with no charges to explain why he was held initially. Other hospitals have been demolished, their emergency vehicles have been destroyed & covered in sand, and dead bodies have been stolen. You need to step up to the plate & make this stop. We have leverage against Israel. I don't want my tax dollars funding a genocide. Do something!!!

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