  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

You will not get my vote, neither will Joe. I’m done.

To: Rep. Slotkin, Sen. Stabenow, Sen. Peters, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 9

You people will never learn, you’ll never listen to the voters, you’ll always be elitists backing losing candidates like Hillary Clinton and even Joe Biden in 2020. Joe only won because Trump was such an awful fascist, anyone put in his position would have won. Not anymore, and especially not after the worst debate and interview I’ve ever seen in the history of debates and presidential interviews. You have forced my hand and now I will not support Biden or his deceptive administration or the DNC. I will not support you or your re-election races until you demand Joe Biden pull out so we can have lush debates and let the people decide who should be on the ticket. If you don’t, you will never see a dollar from me ever again and I will never vote for you. I am protesting this disaster in which a frail old man who had obvious mental decline is actively destroying his own legacy and the chances for winning in November. I will not be voting for Joe Biden so it’s your call. It’s not like you ever respond to my letters anyway so why should I care about you or democracy? Maybe it’s time for MAGA to destroy government all together so we rebuild a country where the rich don’t control every aspect of our lives, maybe we need to purge all you boomers and old folk from government, maybe we need to destroy the Supreme Court. You have lost my vote, and Joe Biden has lost my vote. This will be the last letter I write, what an utter shameful and disgraceful disaster you put us in. Enjoy MAGA, because I’m done until you make a new ticket. Bye.

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