  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

End military aid to Israel's apartheid regime

To: Sen. Casey, Pres. Biden, Sen. Fetterman, Rep. Dean

From: A verified voter in Elkins Park, PA

May 29

The United States' military aid to Israel enables severe human rights violations against Palestinians. By providing weapons and funding to Israel's military forces, the U.S. is directly contributing to the oppression, displacement, and killing of innocent civilians in illegally occupied territories. Ongoing illegal settlement expansion, indiscriminate violence in Gaza, and the cruel apartheid system are all made possible through American backing. Israelis signing missiles bound for Palestinian areas exemplifies the dehumanizing rhetoric used to justify these war crimes. The U.S. must halt all arms sales and military funding to Israel until it respects human rights, allows Palestinian self-determination, and adheres to international law. Continued complicity in Israel's atrocities through aid is morally indefensible.

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