Reconsider Funding for Iron Dome: Promote Global Peace
  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Reconsider Funding for Iron Dome: Promote Global Peace

To: Rep. Courtney, Pres. Biden, Sen. Blumenthal, Sen. Murphy

From: A constituent in East Hampton, CT

April 14

The recent debate in Congress regarding additional funding for Israel's Iron Dome missile interception system has raised critical questions about the true purpose of such aid. The Iron Dome, developed with significant U.S. financial support, is often portrayed as a purely defensive measure. However, evidence suggests it serves as a tool for maintaining control over Palestinians in Gaza, rather than purely protecting Israeli citizens. Furthermore, it's important to consider the role of this system in the development and testing of military technologies that uphold U.S. global dominance. This approach contributes to a more hostile world, rather than fostering peace. Therefore, it is urged to reconsider the allocation of funds towards the Iron Dome and instead, redirect them towards initiatives that genuinely promote global peace and stability. []

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