  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Speak truth to power or resign. YOU! Do what’s necessary or resign. NOW!

To: Rep. Slotkin, Pres. Biden, Sen. Stabenow, Sen. Peters

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 20

If the DNC rushes and nominates Biden in this environment, your party/ this country/ and the world will get destroyed. Say goodbye to Ukraine, say goodbye to Palestine, say goodbye to Taiwan. Russia will be invading other sovereign nations will ally fascist Trump, WWIII will break out with NATO kneecapped. Latinos in this country will be deported by the millions, gays and trans will see their rights stripped away even further. Democracy, the rule of law, and the constitution will be lit on fire before our eyes. A 34x felon rapist insurrectionist will rule the world for a decade or more before he hands it off to ERIC or DON JR. FFS. This is all because the DNC and Biden Campaign/administration thought it was a good idea to hide Joe’s obvious mental decline from the public. Then they had a genius idea of making a debate which we all witnessed as a disaster. Exactly what are you doing being silent? Exactly what are you doing with your head in the sand? Is it because your seat is semi-safe and you don’t care about our future because you are wealthy and life won’t directly change for you? I’m having a difficult time imagining the scenario in which my elected officials from Michigan are living in denial and aren’t will to speak truth to power. If you won’t stand up for Michigan, the country, and the world… what good are you? When an extremely difficult but necessary decision needs to be made, you are sticking your head in the sand. I’m tired. I’m tired of democrats bringing a pencil to a knife fight, I’m sick of DNC’s hubris and pathetic attempts to deceive, I’m tired of being told who to vote for when THERE is a clear mechanism to choose the best candidate VIA primary or open convention. I’m tired of democrats letting Republicans do whatever they want, steal Supreme Court justices and create an insurrection without consequences. I’m tired of republicans literally getting away with murder while lying all the way to the bank. I’m tired of the corruption. I’m tired of seeing Congress people having millions of dollars and legalizing corruption. I’m tired of your silence.

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