  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

Pick a Candidate and Get to Work!

To: Rep. Trahan, Sen. Warren, Sen. Markey

From: A constituent in Lowell, MA

July 19

The Republicans are united around Trump and the media is reporting and acting as if it is a forgone conclusion that Trump and Republicans will win in November. And what is the Democratic Party doing? In fighting about who the candidate should be and wasting precious time. Make a decision and then get to work highlighting the major differences between what a Republican administration will be vs. Democratic. That is what needs to be focused on and less about Trump. This election cycle is the most important in years especially because of Project 2025. It is hard to imagine what will become of this country if Republicans and Trump are allowed to make decisions unchecked by the courts. So please get the act together. Thank you.

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