  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Oppose the New Apostolic Reformation for the good of our country.

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer, Pres. Biden, Rep. Stefanik

From: A constituent in Champlain, NY

July 14

I am writing in strong opposition of the NAR or New Apolostolic Reformation that speaker Mike Johnson has proposed. This is an absolute repugnancy to our foundation as a nation and what our forefathers valued most when they wrote the constitution. 90% of Americans completely oppose the amalgamation of church and state. This needs to be cast out of the floor as soon as it hits. If you are an American Elected Official and you support this abhorrent suggestion, it will be noticed and acted upon by the full breath of the American people. It would be a dishonor to any officials oath to have your name behind this repugnant legislation. There is no one American religion. We are diverse and proud to be that way, as our most welcoming Statue of Liberty suggests to the world. We must not continue to prove otherwise. Thank you.

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