  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

Cabinet Senate Denials

To: Sen. Warren, Rep. Moulton, Sen. Markey

From: A constituent in Amesbury, MA

November 23

I'm writing to request that you vote against (or urge your colleges to, in and outside of the state) the senate confirmation of Russell Vought as head of the Office of Management and Budget. I am concerned about the architect of Project 2025 in that role, in any official role, and his plans to inplement Schedule F. Schedule F will gut the work force of non-partisan career civil servants and replace them with yet more Trump cronies. His plan to implement Schedule F will only amplify Trump cronyism in DC and deplete the work force of much needed non-partisan career civil servants in our federal government. If we don't want to face a government shutdown, we need to keep these essential workers in their jobs, and not replace them with unqualified Trump loyalists. Thank you,

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