  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Joe is failing us all with his egotistical denialism and gaslighting.

To: Sen. Peters, Pres. Biden, Rep. Slotkin, Sen. Stabenow

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 21

You have 48 hours to come out to demand Joe Biden bow out of the presidential race. Joe Biden had no path to victory. If you don’t stand up and speak the truth clearly and forcefully, you will lose my support and my vote. I will not give you a dime or spend one once of energy trying to get you elected by making sure my friends and family vote down ballot blue. I get more than 20 votes per election doing my due diligence, even driving people to voting stations and making sure their mail in ballots get sent in time. You will not make it past your next election and to be honest, USA may be destroyed so who really cares. MAGA will control every aspect of this country and it will fall on your shoulders, your silence, your inaction, your lack of a spine. You will be this countries downfall, not Trump not Biden. Your failure to act in this crucial time will ripple through time, the fate of Palestine, Ukraine, Taiwan, Democracy, the constitution, the rule of law will come to an end.. and you are just sitting there silent like a coward. I’m ashamed to call you my representative, if you continue your silence I will actively vote against you and work for your democractic opponents. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? Nothing. You are doing nothing. Joe Biden is destroying his legacy every minute he continues to destructive path of egotistical denialism and inability to cope with reality. You are not too far behind and I’m incredibly disappointed. Shame on you.

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