  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Impose an arms embargo on Israel for bombing civilian tents

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Blumenthal, Sen. Murphy, Rep. Courtney

From: A verified voter in East Hampton, CT

August 24

The ongoing Israel bombing of civilian areas in Gaza, including the targeting of tents sheltering displaced Palestinians, is an abhorrent violation of human rights and international law. The relentless assault has already claimed over 40,000 Palestinian lives, left over 93,000 injured, and rendered nearly 2 million people homeless in what can only be described as a genocide. This disregard for civilian lives and the deliberate targeting of the most vulnerable must be condemned in the strongest terms. An immediate ceasefire and an independent investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity is imperative. Furthermore, an international arms embargo on Israel is essential to prevent further massacres and atrocities against the Palestinian people. No country engaged in such egregious human rights violations against a subjugated population should have access to USA arms and military equipment at the expense of American taxpayers. Concrete action in the form of an arms embargo is crucial to upholding human rights and sending a clear message that the world will no longer turn a blind eye to Israel's criminal acts.

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