  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Butler, Rep. Gomez, Sen. Padilla

From: A verified voter in Los Angeles, CA

July 19

Mr. Biden you have been an amazing president. You’ve always had my full support. However, it is imperative for the safety of our country that you understand that you must now step down and allow somebody else to run against Trump. This has nothing to do with your abilities or your qualifications, as I said, you are a wonderful president, but right now our country is in deep, deep trouble and because of the status of the electoral college, it is imperative that the Democrats have a new option. Please please please drop out of the race if you love this country at all and again I urge you do not think of this as a failure, but instead think of this as the smart and kind thing you need to do in order to save democracy. If you drop out, you will go down in history as the person who single-handedly saved our country. Please let Kamala or Newsom run instead. I beg you for the safety of my children and future generations.

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