  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

Support STAGE Act to revive theater industry

To: Rep. Schakowsky, Sen. Duckworth, Sen. Durbin

From: A constituent in Chicago, IL

June 6

Local theaters enrich communities and bolster local economies across the nation, but the industry is still reeling from the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. With reduced staffing, fewer productions, and many permanent closures, theaters require immediate support to revive and sustain their vital economic and cultural contributions. The STAGE Act provides critical relief by establishing $1 billion in annual grants for theaters to cover payroll, employ artists, attract new audiences, develop industry workforce, and ensure long-term success. In cities like Chicago, the theater industry is a significant driver of tourism and job creation. The grants will help sustain this essential sector as it recovers from staggering financial losses during the pandemic. Theater workers, who faced widespread layoffs and lost opportunities, will directly benefit from this federal investment in the industry's revitalization. By passing the STAGE Act swiftly, we can safeguard the future of local theaters, support the livelihoods of creative professionals, and fortify the economic and cultural fabric of communities nationwide.

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