  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter


To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Menendez, Sen. Booker, Rep. Norcross

From: A constituent in Blackwood, NJ

July 9

I STAND WITH PRESIDENT BIDEN AGAINST TRUMP & PROJECT 2025 Hello! My name is Carol Adams. I live in Blackwood, NJ. Recently, President Biden urged you to stop questioning his fitness for office. He reminded us that millions voted for him in the primary, and tens of millions more will vote for him in November. Undermining the will of the people makes us no better than those in the Republican party doing the same. One existential threat to democracy is enough. To prevent Project 2025, we need Democrats to win the House, Senate, and White House. The solution is simple: stop questioning Biden's competence and present a strong, united front to defeat Trump and his authoritarian agenda. Talk up President Biden. Remind voters of all the things he achieved his first term. Stop tearing Pres Biden down. Lift him up. You are endangering a full Dem sweep by continuing to bash him. Should his health fail or he passes away, well, that’s why we have Kamala Harris. She is fully fit and capable. Thank you!

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