  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Schumer, Rep. Goldman, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A constituent in Brooklyn, NY

July 25

It was deeply disheartening to see how our Congress welcomed and applauded Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday. His campaign of genocide against the Palestinian people is a work of evil and blight and excessive violence on this world. It is a shame and a horror that our government continues to support him with our weapons, our billions of dollars of funding, and our ongoing friendship. I cannot abide that my tax dollars are funding the starvation and slaughter of children in Gaza, and I cannot abide that my elected representatives are applauding this man after he has caused so much unnecessary pain and death. Even the families of the hostages have begged for this to end, and have been arrested in protest of how Netanyahu has used them for his own political ends and his crusade of destruction. We MUST stop supporting this devastation. The world is watching us and judging us.

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