  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Durbin, Rep. Quigley, Pres. Biden, Sen. Duckworth

From: A verified voter in Deer Park, IL

July 16

I am a Bernie Sanders voter, a husband, a father of two, and an actor of no note who trades options as a side hustle. I have voted for all of you. I support Joe Biden in his continuing bid to remain President. Change the conversation. Joe has proven himself as a patriot, as a father, and as a politician who understands that times change. Start talking about the future. Strong abroad. Create a modern multicultural interpretation of “All American” and deploy it as the counter to MAGA at home. Focus on creating a modern infrastructure, not just to survive, but to thrive. Publicly build the team that will drive progress as a legacy. Unify the Democrats by building ladders to their needs. Joe Biden, the President who both sees the horizon and lays track. Trump caters to the worst in people. You must cater to best in people. He lies. You must be honest. He obfuscates. You must be the lighthouse. You have my respect. What you do is the impossible, daily. So my request should be cake. I ask only for the possible. Go get ‘em.

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