  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Restore funding to reopen libraries seven days weekly.

To: Sen. Schumer, Rep. Velázquez, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A constituent in Brooklyn, NY

June 2

Our public libraries are vital community hubs that provide free access to knowledge, resources, and opportunities for all New Yorkers. The recent funding cuts have forced harsh reductions, including the elimination of Sunday service at most libraries across the city. This severely limits access for working families, students, and others who rely on weekend hours. To protect these essential institutions and ensure equitable access, I urge you to restore funding and return libraries to a seven-day operating schedule. Libraries are pillars of an educated, engaged, and thriving city - they must be prioritized and adequately supported in the budget. Reinstate the funding needed to reopen our libraries seven days a week so they can fully serve all New Yorkers.

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