  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

Uphold integrity of non-partisan military, reject mass firings

To: Sen. Ossoff, Rep. Scott, Sen. Warnock, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Hawkinsville, GA

November 15

The proposed mass firings of senior Pentagon officials represent a dangerous overreach of civilian control over the military and a slippery slope towards the politicization of our armed forces. Our military generals pledge allegiance to the Constitution, not any individual president. Dismissing experienced leaders solely for perceived political disloyalty severely undermines military readiness and national security during this volatile time. As a veteran, I have full confidence in the professionalism and apolitical nature of our current military leadership. We must uphold democratic norms by respecting established protocols for orderly leadership transitions while rejecting any partisan efforts to purge qualified personnel from our ranks. The integrity of our institutions depends on maintaining an apolitical, constitutional military divorced from undue political interference.

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