  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Condemn the massacre in Tal Al-Hawa. Stop arming Israel.

To: Rep. Courtney, Sen. Murphy, Pres. Biden, Sen. Blumenthal

From: A verified voter in East Hampton, CT

July 19

Israel's genocide in Gaza has resulted in unfathomable tragedy and loss of life. The withdrawal from Tal Al-Hawa and al-Sina'a Street exposed the horrors, with nearly 60 Palestinians murdered, including entire families on al-Sina'a Street. Charred bodies and burned homes suggest civilians were targeted while seeking supplies. While Gaza's Health Ministry reports over 38,000 killed since October 7, with 88,000 wounded and 11,000 missing, the Lancet has placed it's conservative death toll estimate of Gaza at 186,000 dead. Israel's ongoing genocide and war crimes in Gaza are intolerable and must cease immediately. All military aid enabling this slaughter must stop and funding to UNRWA's crucial humanitarian efforts must be reinstated.

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