  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Your silence is pathetic and cowardly, we need Open Convention NOW!

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Peters, Rep. Slotkin, Sen. Stabenow

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 20

You want to show the American people that the DNC and democrats want a fair election that presents the two best candidates? Have a unified open convention with only positive policy and positive messaging, no attacking each other but having each candidate make the case to the American people why they should lead the ticket against fascism. This isn’t rocket science, this isn’t a game, this is the future of democracy. By doing this, you will take up all the oxygen in the room and focus on our platform while simultaneously keeping your eyes on how dangerous MAGA is and what another Donald Trump term would do to the country and the world. You want to show everyone that the DNC and democrats are competent? Show them a fair process, not next one up or what establishment dems want. It’s about the people, you have forgotten that. You still have spoken out about Biden dropping out. You don’t have much time left, but if you should stay silent, I will never trust you again. This moment is not about you and I, but the country and your silence is pathetic and cowardly. Shame on you.

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