An open letter to Sen. Hirono, Sen. Schatz, Pres. Biden, Rep. Case.
  1. United States
  2. Hawaii
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Hirono, Sen. Schatz, Pres. Biden, Rep. Case

From: A constituent in Honolulu, HI

April 12

Immediately I want something done about the supply and use lethal injections in state and federal executions. Absolute Standards have been called out for supplying inhumane drugs for executions on both state and federal level. They are not licensed or accredited by the FDA to make these drugs, they make chemicals for operating machines. Not only does that fly in the face of multiple federal courts, it might be unconditional. Because pentobarbital and other methods of execution do not provide a humane death that is guaranteed under the constitution. Reports and studies that the current methods of executions both in gas chambers and in lethal injections put through the subjects through immense pain and suffering. Again, the 8th Amendment of the Constitution protects all citizens from cruel and unusual punishment, and it's time to face the stark reality that there is no way to execute a person humanely. So thoroughly investigate the dealings of Absolute Standards, who they are selling drugs to, what the drugs are, and hold them accountable. Pardon those on death row, or have their sentences commented. And ban states from using the death penalty. There is no justice in the practice, and by all means, it's a shame that it was ever an option.

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