Protect Small Businesses: Reconsider TikTok Ban for Economic Balance
  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Protect Small Businesses: Reconsider TikTok Ban for Economic Balance

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Hickenlooper, Rep. Pettersen, Sen. Bennet

From: A constituent in Arvada, CO

April 20

The potential ban on the social media platform TikTok could have severe repercussions for small businesses. For instance, consider the case of a Texas-based clothing brand catering to tall women, which relies heavily on TikTok for reaching its target audience and generating sales. The loss of this platform could be devastating for such businesses and the communities they serve. While concerns about user data sharing and algorithm manipulation are valid, it's crucial to balance these with the potential economic impact. Therefore, it is requested to reconsider the support for the legislation leading to a TikTok ban, and instead, explore alternatives that protect user data without harming small businesses. This approach would ensure both the security of users and the survival of small businesses.

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