  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Garbarino, Sen. Gillibrand, Pres. Biden, Sen. Schumer

From: A constituent in Bay Shore, NY

June 9

Israel’s recent rescue mission of four hostages was a horrible fail ure. Over 200 Palestinians were killed in the process. It was in no ways a targeted attack with the amount of bombs dropped and civili an casualties. If Israel cares about the hostages, they’d agree to or at least wor k in a deal that would release them. Instead, they’ve refused every opportunity, including the one President Biden has offered. By not agreeing or working on a ceasefire deal, Israel is showing that its actual aim is the continued killing of Palestinians and stealing more land in Gaza. The death toll is much higher than the estimated 40,000 since only identified bodies are counted, and there are many more bodies unidentifiable or still buried under rubble. The US needs to hold Israel accountable, to stop sending aid and weapons that are used in an offensive that is seen worldwide as a war crime, and to forc e Israel to agree to a ceasefire deal.

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