  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Bring back the affordable connectivity program NOW

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Goldman, Sen. Schumer

From: A constituent in New York, NY

June 29

The Affordable Connectivity Program provided vital support for millions of households to access affordable broadband internet. Without this essential program, many individuals and families will struggle to afford the connectivity needed for work, education, healthcare, and more in today's digital world. Reliable and affordable internet access is crucial for full participation in modern society. I urge you to take immediate action to reinstate the Affordable Connectivity Program and ensure that all Americans, regardless of income level, have access to this critical utility. Broadband should be available and affordable for everyone, not just a privileged few. Please prioritize this issue and work to bring back a program that promotes digital equity and inclusion.

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