  1. United States
  2. Hawaii
  3. Letter

Get behind Biden, or get out of his way!

To: Rep. Tokuda, Sen. Hirono, Pres. Biden, Sen. Schatz

From: A constituent in Kapolei, HI

July 19

I am a Bernie Sanders voter, former sales and business manager, a former and possibly future teacher, and current homeschool parent. I have voted for all of you. I support Joe Biden in his continuing bid to remain President. Change the conversation. Joe has proven himself as a politician who understands that what our country wants and needs has changed over time. The absolute antithesis of "too old to run", he has shown himself open to new ideas and solutions that work for today's America, not the America of some fictitious past. Start talking about the future. - Discuss his strength abroad, expanding NATO after stabilizing leadership there, creating a more stable world for our future and the future of our children. - Focus on the creation of a modern infrastructure, not just to survive, but to thrive in our evolving world. - Discuss Joe Biden as the President who follows through on one political promise (Infrastructure, lowering medical costs, etc) and sets right to work planning for how to keep the next one (student debt relief, streamlining and funding immigration policy and immigration courts.) The President who has exceeded my expectations of him (as someone who would still have preferred to see Sanders at the top of the ticket in 2016.) He has been an amazingly effective president, and he will continue to be if reelected. The attacks on Joe Biden's ability to win from within the party are feeding a conspiracy theory being floated by folks on the other side of the aisle for months. It is the Dems doing MAGA's work for them. Stop it! Tell your colleagues to stop it! Get behind our candidate through to November or shut up and get out of his way...or you will lose my respect and my vote. Start the drive for "Unity" at home, within your own party! We don't have time for this self-destructive behavior!

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