  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Biden Needs to Withdraw

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Espaillat, Sen. Schumer

From: A constituent in New York, NY

July 11

I am following up on a letter I sent a little over a week ago to reiterate my urgent support for removing Biden from the ticket as the Democratic presidential nominee. I am proud of what he has accomplished over the last four years, but I sincerely believe he is gambling his legacy by running again in 2024. He will likely go from being the man who saved us from Trump to the man who couldn’t see the bigger picture and let his ego fumble democracy back into that lunatic’s hands. I urge you to publicly support a decision for Biden to pass the torch. We need generational change, and we want a reset. This is a feeling shared widely and deeply by democratic voters in my demographic (millennial, college educated) and you need us if you want to keep the House, Senate, and/or Presidency. People will not show up with Biden at the top of the ticket.

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